Osso Bucco
"Gravy on Bone"
Osso Bucco is from the shin of beef cattle. It is used in stews where the meat is cooked until it comes away from the bone. In the boiling process, the flavour from the marrow of the shin bone is laced through the meat. When added with vegetables, it makes a delightful meal.
Fresh Meats
Square Cut Lamb Shoulder
Butterfly Leg Of Lamb
Rolled Mid-Loin
Monthly Pack
Lamb Easy Carve
Beef Stirfry Strips
Diced Beef
Chipolata Sausages
Goat Pieces
Y-Bone Steak
Chicken Pack 2
Chicken Pack 1
Stir-fry Lamb Strips
Whole Chicken
Paleo Sausages
Stuffed Chicken
Premium Beef Mince
Breast On The Bone
Japanese Steak
Gravy Beef
Porter House Sirloin
Chuck on Bone
Chicken Pieces
Rump Steak
Weekly Pack
Marinated Pack